

Press Release: UK independent publisher Greenteeth Press signs first book deals with two debut authors

Greenteeth Press has signed agreements for the copyright of debut novels by Paul Childs and Cara Viola

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Publishing Planets: Greenteeth Press

Tales to Survive the Stars brings together an endearing, vast array of stories and poems that collectively give a loving ode to the setting they’re set in and written about… space. This anthology marks the first of Greenteeth Press’ list to include one-page graphic novel stories, which are really quite successful. The vignette story-telling shines here with grand visuals that bring space to life in glorious silhouetted fashion, particularly Peterson’s Comet and Drakar. The scope of these science fiction stories across the board is grand, and the character moments that drive them to shine bright – executed notably well in The Wolves of Desolation.


Horrifying Tales: Horrified Magazine Review

Horrifying Tales, a slim (55 pages) but mighty collection, is the brainchild of Dr. Robert Edgar and the Horrifying Children: Children’s Television, Literature, and Popular Culture Project (part of the York Centre for Writing at York St. John University).”


Industry Insights: Imogen Peniston - The Publishing Post

“Imogen Peniston is the founder of Greenteeth Press, an independent publisher of poetry and prose from writers of underrepresented backgrounds. Here she tells us about her journey and personal take on what it is like running a press.”


Graduate Interview: Dan Hunt and Tom Wilkins Editing for Greenteeth Press - FalWriting

Read what the editors of our third anthology have to say!